AI Discovery Workshop
Unlock the value in your organization with Artificial Intelligence
- Improve efficiency and enhanced productivity
- Build a competitive advantage.
- Save time with automated processes
AI Sprint
Sprint towards AI Technology Adoption
Instead of leaping faith into a big AI development project, you can start with something smaller, yet with a tangible result.
SeerBI’s AI Discovery Workshop is a hands-on experience where, together, we identify the most potential AI use cases for your business and explore the business opportunities available to you.
We created a set of tools for each step of the design thinking process to help our clients turn AI into social, user, and business value.
In just two days, your team, supported by our AI Engineers and Design Facilitators, can learn and understand the power of emerging technologies, spot AI opportunities, and create new ideas and visions.
What to Expect
Intense two days co-creation workshops facilitated by our Design Thinking Leaders.
Your team will work through our dedicated canvases, AI ideation cards, and other tools designed especially for AI Software Projects. Each session is tailored to company-specific needs and use cases.
You can expect our ML engineers and data scientists to join ideation and prototype sessions to guide you through more complex and abstract problems.
We will help you assess your specific ideas’ feasibility, propose the right technologies, and make a plan for development and deployment.
AI Discovery Workshops help you discover and identify Artificial Intelligence’s potential for your business, see the value of data, and check what information you already have and what you need to start collecting.
During the workshops, you accessed your ideas’ feasibility, selected an AI solution to pursue, and planned out the possible roadmap for feature development.
You will also get your own AI Discovery Workshop report, where you can find your case study with mapped opportunities, concept details, data strategy, and development plans.
Our outcomes report builds on the workshop outcomes and includes the tech review, data advice, and proposed solutions on approaching the project.
AI Revenue Spotting
Discovery Workshop lets you define your key problem and find where augmenting with AI can make your company more resilient and profitable. Spot opportunities and learn how you could implement artificial intelligence within your business. Our experienced AI experts will help you and your team identify business areas where machine learning and various analytical solutions could deliver excellent results.
Fast Paced and Agile
By starting your project with AI Discovery Workshop, you will ensure that product implementation delivers your business's desired results. The workshop's agenda is based on the design thinking mindset that ensures your users or customers and their needs are always at the heart of the team's focus. It is an affordable way to outline a real user need, prototype the solution, get feedback, and trial implementation before committing to a larger scale rollout
Feasibility Assessment and Roadmap
At the end of the workshop, we will agree on a roadmap for your project, which you can present with confidence at your next results meeting. The roadmap includes the preliminary technical implementation, budget, extension steps, and the project's success from multiple stakeholders.
When to run an AI Discovery Workshop?
- You want to optimize processes
- You want to better target and serve your customers
- You want to automate mundane, manual tasks
- You want to predict and be better prepared for the future
- You want to get insights that will unveil new possibilities
- You want to scale your business and grow
- You want to develop completely new offerings or products.
- You have data you want to leverage
Workshop Day 1
We start day one by selecting the goal, mapping out the challenge; we ask your domain specialists to share their knowledge. We analyze business requirements and expected outcomes. We identify which problem can be solved with an AI solution uniquely. At this stage, it is crucial to understand what information we have at our disposal and whether we can use them. With our ML Experts’ helping hand, we go through an intense ideation session to map possible AI solution.
Understanding your Business
We take time to understand how your organisation operates, and what technical capability you have to understand where AI can best be leveraged.
Identifying Key Business Questions
We work with key management stakeholders to understand the goals of the organisation to ensure we are asking the right questions to develop the right solutions.
Understanding the Data
We catalogue your organisations’ various data streams and explore external data sources you could leverage on your AI journey.
Ideation session with AI Experts
Based on the business, the goals and the data our Machine Learning experts map out and brainstorm various ideas to begin a roadmap.
Workshop Day 2
Once we have selected the ideas we want to pursue, we enter the feedback and feasibility study phase. This step requires AI knowledge and expertise, hence our ML Experts on board. During this part, we aim to prototype the selected solution. We map our ideas, recognize and audit the data-house needs and haves, and prepare a roadmap for further investigation and development. At the end of the day, your team gets a set of first model prototypes.
Selecting ideas to pursue
Day 2 starts with defining the ideas created at the end of day 1 and selecting the ones that will make the most impact on the organisation.
Auditing the data needs and haves
This session ensures the data is available to develop the solutions selected or defines steps to collect / create the data.
Reviewing Ethics, Bias, and Privacy
We lay down the steps to ensure all developments are ethical, stay away from bias and are secure both internally and from a cybersecurity perspective.
Preparing a roadmap for further development
Dates and timelines are initally set based in the ideas mappped out for a roadmap to be developed. A final version of which will be delievered after the workshop.
Be Ready for AI
How to prepare for a workshop
From experience, our most successful data science and AI projects are where we take a truly collaborative approach with our clients.
You have expert knowledge within your industry and you understand your business better than anyone, including us.
However, our process is specifically designed to help the facilitation of ideas in relation to data science and emerging AI technologies and identify opportunities to capitalise on how these fit within the full-service offer of your business.
By coming to the workshop with a clear understanding of your business’s procedures, buy-in from stakeholders and an understanding of your various data points and systems in place, we can more readily provide a game-changing workshop.
AI Workshop
Starting at-
Pre-Workshop Investigation
2 Day In Person or Virtual Workshop
Post Workshop Report
SeerBI provides customized maritime data services to clients, from data extraction to transformation to loading to prepare data for visualisation or machine learning / AI. This tailor-made approach makes us flexible to work with the most complex data problems.
Ready to unlock your data?
Get In Touch
+44 1642 062518
available from 9:00 – 17:00
Address Victoria House, Victoria Road, Middlesbrough TS1 3AP
Email [email protected]