Quantum Lab

At our Quantum Lab, we harness the power of quantum technologies to transform industries. Our innovative solutions, developed through collaborations with leaders like Orca Computing, enhance operational efficiency and reliability. From logistics to maritime, we turn complex data into actionable insights, driving advancements with cutting-edge quantum computing. Unlock the future of your data with Quantum Lab at SeerBI.

Quantum Collaboration

Working Across organisations & Sectors

Working with Digital Catapult in the UK we have been enabled to work across the quantum sector with developers, hardware solutions and practitioners to develop our own Quantum computing programs, use cases and research based around quantum machine learning.

Two people stood infront of a quantum computer

Quantum Experiments & SDK

Making Quantum practical

With access to unique Quantum technology experimentation software and SDKs from Orca Computing our team are able to test and develop quantum use cases entirely in house.

Quantum Research

Unlocking new technologies

At SeerBI we collaborate with academic institutions to research develop new papers and journals based around quantum and AI technologies to advance the sector further.

Case Studies

A world class team to help you get the most out of your data

Our team of data scientists/analysts are here to help you understand your data, get the most value out of it and make your organisation as good as possible. 

Data Analytics as a Service

Fill in the form below and our team will be in touch regarding this service

Contact Information

[email protected]


Victoria Road, Victoria House, TS13AP, Middlesbrough