How Does NLP Work?
The technology that understands us
NLP blends statistics, machine learning, and deep learning models with computational linguistics—rule-based modelling of human language. With the use of these technologies, computers are now able to process human language in the form of text or audio data and fully “understand” what is being said or written, including the speaker’s or writer’s intentions and sentiment.
Computer programmes that translate text between languages, reply to spoken commands, and quickly summarise vast amounts of text—even in real-time—are all powered by NLP. You’ve probably used NLP in the form of voice-activated GPS devices, digital assistants, speech-to-text dictation programmes, customer service chatbots, and other consumer conveniences. The use of NLP in corporate solutions, however, is expanding as a means of streamlining business operations, boosting worker productivity, and streamlining mission-critical business procedures.